Part Two Induction of Labour

THE EVIDENCE FOR THE WHY: Medical indications for artificially inducing labour can include significant maternal disease not responding to treatment, such as pre-eclampsia or other maternal medical conditions that may compromise the mother or baby’s health. Others include infection of the uterus, gestational diabetes, oligohydramnios (too little amniotic fluid for gestational age), and placental abruption.…

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This blog post is the first of two parts written with the intention to educate expectant parents about induction, its impact, and the increasing rise of its use in our local hospitals. Part One covers The What and How of Induction – what does it actually mean to be medically induced, and how is that…

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The Changing Face of Birth

There was a time, not so very long ago (early 1900’s), when the majority of pregnant women in North America gave birth at home, attended by a midwife. Roughly 95% did. Then in 1955 that figure became the number birthing in a hospital. What happened? What brought about this dramatic decline in home births? During…

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Choosing Your Maternity Care Provider

In the Lower Mainland, BC you have one of three options for your maternity care provider. This is either: 1) a GP (specializing in maternity care), 2) an obstetrician, or 3) a midwife There are numerous family doctors who specialize in maternity care and attend births. They have general medicine training with additional schooling for…

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Why choose Postpartum Doula Services

why hire postpartum doula twins wrapped in heart shaped blanket

WHAT IS A POSTPARTUM DOULA? A postpartum doula is someone educated particularly in newborn and ‘mother’ (primary caregiver) care for the immediate postpartum period. Although they provide no medical advice or care, they do know what is normal for both newborn and parent in the first weeks following birth. Some have additional training and education…

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